Un design bun începe cu o idee. Scopul nostru este să creăm un concept adaptat nevoilor dumneavoastră, permițându-vă să ajustați ideile de design și să le transformați în realitate. Ne ocupăm de întregul proces, de la crearea proiectului inițial până la producția și montajul complet, asigurându-ne că așteptările dumneavoastră sunt îndeplinite.

Servicii principale:

  • Design și crearea conceptului: Începem prin a înțelege nevoile dumneavoastră și dezvoltăm un concept personalizat, care devine baza pentru ideile de design, asigurându-ne că structura finală este exactă și conformă așteptărilor.
  • Producție și montaj: Fabricăm diverse elemente ale fațadelor, acoperișurilor și structurilor clădirilor, care sunt asamblate pe teren de ingineri calificați, responsabili de un proces de instalare precis și de calitate.
  • Planuri parțiale de lucru: Pregătim planuri de lucru parțiale, inclusiv sistemele de fațadă, aprobările de construcție (documentația), soluțiile de hidroizolație și condensare, asigurându-ne că fiecare aspect al structurii este bine planificat și executat.
  • Certificate de eficiență energetică: Structurile noastre respectă cele mai înalte standarde de eficiență energetică – clădirile nou construite respectă cerințele de clasa A, asigurând eficiență energetică optimă.
  • Siguranță la incendiu: Cupolele sunt proiectate pentru a respecta cerințele de siguranță la incendiu, atingând clasele A sau B pentru rezistența la foc, oferind un nivel ridicat de protecție.
  • Calculul încărcărilor statice: Realizăm calcule pentru încărcările statice și pregătim proiecte tehnice și de lucru. Documentația și desenele pot fi traduse în diverse limbi (RU, EN, LV și altele), pentru a respecta cerințele regionale de construcție.

Detalii structurale:

  • Cadru: Ramele cupolelor noastre sunt fabricate din materiale de înaltă rezistență, asigurând stabilitate și durabilitate. Ramele pot fi combinate cu diverse panouri de perete, oferind flexibilitate în design.
  • Panouri de perete: Folosim diverse materiale pentru pereți, inclusiv panouri sandwich, care oferă o excelentă izolație termică, rezistență și ușurință.
  • Ferestre: Oferim o varietate de opțiuni de ferestre din sticlă de înaltă calitate, cu pachete de sticlă cu una sau două camere, asigurând izolație termică și fonică.

Finisaje interioare și personalizare:

  • Fațadă personalizată: Pereții exteriori ai cupolei pot fi personalizați folosind panouri compozite, aluminiu sau sticlă, pentru a corespunde cerințelor estetice și funcționale.
  • Finisaje interioare: Interiorul cupolelor poate fi finisat cu diverse panouri de mobilier, oferind un spațiu confortabil și elegant, adaptat nevoilor dumneavoastră.

Caracteristici și avantaje principale:

  • Sustenabilitate: Folosim materiale și metode de construcție durabile, care reduc consumul de resurse și impactul asupra mediului.
  • Asamblare rapidă: Designul modular al cupolelor permite o asamblare și demontare rapidă, reducând astfel timpul și costurile de construcție.
  • Utilizare în toate anotimpurile: Cupolele sunt proiectate pentru a rezista la condiții meteorologice diverse, fiind potrivite pentru utilizare pe tot parcursul anului.
  • Costuri reduse: Metodele eficiente de construcție reduc costurile, oferindu-vă acces la un spațiu de locuit de înaltă calitate, fără a necesita investiții mari.

Domenii de aplicare:

  • Locuințe: Adaptabile pentru spații de locuit moderne și eficiente.
  • Spații comerciale: Perfecte pentru spații de afaceri unice și funcționale.
  • Zone de relaxare: Ideal pentru eco-resorturi, case de vacanță și alte locații recreative.

Îmbrățișați arhitectura viitorului cu sistemele modulare de cupole GEODOMAS – o soluție inovatoare, durabilă și accesibilă, care creează spații funcționale și estetic atrăgătoare.



Our modular domes are designed for versatility, durability, and aesthetic appeal, making them suitable for a wide range of applications from residential to commercial use. The exterior walls of our domes can be customized with various materials, including composite panels, aluminum, and glass, to match your aesthetic preferences and functional requirements. Our windows are designed to provide excellent insulation. You can choose between single or double-glazed units to meet your specific needs for thermal performance and sound insulation. bInside, the domes can be finished with a variety of furniture panels. These panels can be customized to create a comfortable and stylish living or working environment, tailored to your taste and requirements.

A sandwich panel is any structure made of three layers: a low-density core, and a thin skin-layer bonded to each side. Sandwich panels are used in applications where a combination of high structural rigidity and low weight is required.

The Center for Young Children provides quality early childhood education for children. Our concept art can be seen here.

Invite your guests into a whole new setting, with the captivating architecture of our domes’ interior, you can be sure that the event will turn into a truly unique and memorable experience for everybody involved

The dome is placed VO3DUH Àrt in part of the garden which is artistically organized an open-air space with a stationary scene. The area is located in the park area and is designed for performances, concerts, festivals, parties, theatrical performances, etc.


Our domes with an aluminum or fiberglass frame are covered with glass panels and composite sheets ranging from 6 to 10mm. Our aluminum frame and one-layer glazed domes provide a modern and stylish solution for various applications, combining aesthetics, functionality, and durability. Whether used for residential, commercial, or recreational purposes, these domes offer an unparalleled experience with their panoramic views and customizable features. We also offer insulation for single-layer glass domes. Our specially designed interior tension wall made from transparent textile plastic provides thermal resistance to the wall and insulates against temperature fluctuations.


Our Panoramic series domes are designed to offer an exceptional all-season living experience with double-glazed glass panels, providing unmatched transparency and insulation. These domes are ideal for those looking to combine modern aesthetics with high functionality. The domes are equipped with high-end triangular double-glazed glass panels, also known as thermo packets, which provide superior thermal properties. These panels ensure that the interior remains warm and insulated, even in extreme weather conditions. The glass panels are designed with solar control properties, effectively managing the amount of sunlight that enters the dome. This helps in maintaining a comfortable interior temperature and protecting against UV rays. The one or double-glazed units offer excellent thermal insulation, reducing heat loss during winter and minimizing heat gain during summer. This ensures a stable and comfortable indoor environment throughout the year.


Administrative Buildings A++ are a new generation of high energy efficiency class buildings that focus on both sustainability and comfort. These buildings are designed according to the strictest energy saving standards, ensuring minimal heat loss and maximum energy return. Investments in A++ class administrative buildings with a ventilated facade and double glazing are not only economically beneficial, but also meet modern sustainability requirements, providing a high level of comfort and efficiency.

Office building 460m2 is made completely from materials such as steel, polyurea, aliuminium and glass. The 10-meter-high dome covers the entire office with a diameter of Ø20 meters.

We supply planning services, we prepare technical and work plans, we calculate loads. Planning of constructions that are dome-shaped or spherical or partly that form – in this example Customer Support Center for Apple Inc.

When we do the entire planning of hotel concept works for you, we take on the responsibility for ensuring that your hotel or spa facility will be successful by creating the best possible basis for economic success. We guide you through the entire process, starting with a strategic concept, going on with hotel architecture, interior & spa design, turn key realisation and taking you through all the way to the essential spa management and spa consulting.

Fulldome cinema has become increasingly popular in recent years because advances in projection technology and dome construction have made fulldome cinema more accessible to a broader range of applications.

Paysera City office project, modern exceptional architectural office complex will be developed on the newly built western bypass of Vilnius.


Industrial and logistics facilities are a vital part of the infrastructure that allows efficient management of production, storage and distribution processes. In the modern industrial construction sector, more and more attention is paid to innovative engineering solutions that not only increase the functionality of buildings, but also reduce operating costs. Non-supporting roof structures are one of the most important elements that provide industrial and logistics facilities with greater internal space and flexibility. Such constructions avoid internal pillars that can interfere with the use of space, especially in warehouses or production workshops, where it is necessary to maximize the usable area. Investing in industrial and logistics facilities with non-supporting roof structures is a strategically useful solution that allows you to increase operational efficiency and reduce long-term costs. These constructions not only increase the facility’s functionality, but also provide more flexibility for future development.

Dome structures are exceptionally well-suited for agricultural applications, with their round roofs being ideal for rotary systems like the Rotolactor. Developed by the Borden Company in 1930, the Rotolactor was the first invention that allowed for the milking of a large number of cows successively and largely automatically using a rotating platform. Today, this concept is widely recognized in the dairy industry as the „rotary milking parlor.”

Industrial roofs with flat circular designs are ideal for cylindrical buildings, providing a reliable and durable covering solution. These roofs offer superior structural stability due to their double reinforcement, making them well-suited for high-load conditions and harsh weather environments. Depending on the specific project requirements, these roofs can be equipped with stabilization systems that provide additional stability and prevent structural deformation. This feature is particularly important for buildings located in areas with strong winds or seismic activity.

Geometric and geodesic structures. Facades and roofs. GEODOMAS specialise in planning and manufacturing geodesic domes and unique geometrical free-form constructions.