Structuri de glamping versatile și adaptabile
Geodomas oferă o varietate de cupole glamping de mici dimensiuni, concepute pentru a îmbunătăți experiența dumneavoastră în aer liber. Aceste cupole sunt ideale pentru proprietăți de vacanță, cabane, domenii, păduri și malurile lacurilor. Popularitatea lor în sectorul ospitalității demonstrează versatilitatea și atractivitatea acestora.

Un refugiu confortabil pentru iubitorii naturii
Cupolele noastre de glamping oferă o evadare perfectă pentru cei care doresc să se reconecteze cu natura. Fie că sunt amplasate în pădure, pe malul unui lac liniștit sau într-o locație pitorească, aceste cupole creează un refugiu confortabil și călduros, permițându-vă să vă bucurați pe deplin de frumusețea naturii.

Complet echipate pentru confort
Fiecare cupolă este complet echipată pentru a îndeplini standardele moderne de viață. Cupolele sunt prevăzute cu sisteme izolate pentru acoperiș și pereți, asigurând un climat interior confortabil, potrivit pentru utilizare pe tot parcursul anului. Cu ajustări suplimentare, aceste cupole pot funcționa eficient chiar și la temperaturi de la -20°C până la +40°C și mai mult.

Populare în sectorul ospitalității
Cupolele de glamping devin din ce în ce mai populare în sectorul ospitalității, oferind o opțiune de cazare unică și luxoasă pentru stațiuni și hoteluri. Aceste cupole nu doar că oferă oaspeților o experiență de neuitat, dar și cresc capacitatea și atractivitatea stațiunilor.

Caracteristici principale ale cupolelor Geodomas pentru glamping:

  • Compacte și confortabile: Concepute pentru cupluri sau familii mici, aceste cupole creează un mediu intim și călduros.
  • Asamblare rapidă: Cupolele sunt ușor de asamblat și demontat, fiind ideale atât pentru instalări permanente, cât și temporare.
  • Izolate și rezistente la condițiile meteorologice: Izolația avansată asigură confort în orice condiții meteorologice, iar structura durabilă protejează împotriva elementelor naturii.
  • Interioare complet echipate: Facilități moderne și mobilier confortabil creează o atmosferă de casă în mijlocul naturii.
  • Ecologice: Materialele durabile și designurile eficiente energetic fac aceste cupole prietenoase cu mediul.

Explorați catalogul nostru
Descoperiți cum cupolele de glamping Geodomas pot transforma experiența dumneavoastră de viață în aer liber, oferind combinația perfectă de lux, confort și natură. Fie că este vorba de o escapadă romantică, o vacanță de familie sau îmbunătățirea unei afaceri din domeniul ospitalității, cupolele noastre oferă o versatilitate și atractivitate de neegalat.



GEODOMAS presents a new word in glamping leisure – our unique glamping domes that can be easily adapted and transformed from simple tents into modern, insulated lodges. Our glamping domes will provide you with a magical night under a starry sky – whether it’s in a cozy bed, under the moonlight, or enjoying the Milky Way. It is truly a dream that leaves no one indifferent.


GEODOMAS presents a new word in glamping leisure – our unique glamping domes that can be easily adapted and transformed from simple tents into modern, insulated lodges. Our glamping domes will provide you with a magical night under a starry sky – whether it’s in a cozy bed, under the moonlight, or enjoying the Milky Way. It is truly a dream that leaves no one indifferent.


The Outdoor Classroom Dome is an excellent choice for schools, kindergartens, and other educational and sports institutions that aim to provide students with a unique and comfortable learning and recreational environment. These modern and functional structures allow students to learn close to nature all year round, regardless of weather conditions.
Our domed outdoor classrooms are fully insulated, creating a warm, safe, and cozy space even in temperatures as low as -20 degrees Celsius. This makes them ideal for conducting lessons and activities outdoors, meeting both regular educational needs and special requirements throughout the year.

In addition, we offer various mobile outdoor classroom solutions using lightweight glamping technologies that not only meet educational needs but also promote students’ health, creativity, and motivation. Our domed structures include not only classrooms but also kitchens, laboratories, botanical gardens, gazebos, greenhouses, children’s playgrounds, and more.

By addressing modern educational and leisure needs, we implement unique educational and recreational environments that help nurture future leaders and encourage learning and creativity.


GEODOMAS presents a unique floating recreational boat designed for luxurious retreats on water. Our glamping recreational boats, with their multi-layered walls, offer unparalleled comfort and luxury, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of nature right on the water’s surface. Imagine a serene morning when the first rays of the sun gently wake you from your dreams. You are on a floating boat, gently swaying on the lake’s waves, far from the city’s noise and daily hustle. Here, time stands still, allowing you to savor each moment surrounded by nature. The floating boat is not just a means of transportation; it’s like a floating home, full of luxury and comfort. Your footsteps echo on the wooden floors, each step reminding you of stability and security. This boat’s design ensures maximum comfort and resilience against any natural conditions.

The biggest in Europe and Asia Complex, which was designed for the youngest visitors. The largest tent, an area of ​​about 1,000 square meters is playfully with the Bar Lunch and a mezzanine, with the amount of which has panoramic views of the zoo. Connected with this place are two more tents. One is a professionally equipped sakla education, in other toilets.



Treehouses are already spreading worldwide. For many, treehouses bring back memories of childhood and fun adventures. Now, with modern architecture breaking all stereotypes, not only children but also adults are starting to build homes in the trees. This choice is often driven by a desire to live closer to nature, break from established norms, and enjoy a different lifestyle.

Complete with a high-density foam mattress, cotton sheets, duvet cover and wooden floor, the Cocoon Tree makes for the ideal hangout for two adults with the utmost privacy.


ASTRONARIUM ANIANE site, the site of one of the largest amateur astronomical observatories in Europe with unusual accommodation to sleep under the stars.


Our proposal for the site, which faces forest beyond, includes 3 Tree-Hotels standing amongst the trees for a high-end holiday resort.


The Hill Fort of Naujoji Reva and much more. Travel bravely – along the entire route, you will be guided by wooden direction indicators.
Our Glamping Dome perfectly fits that atmosphere on its green technology it has been made. You may enjoy the time spending inside this dome and to recreate your energy from the city noise and routine.


Feel as though you’re staying in a dream house and enjoy a completely different kind of camping. A mix of typical camping outdoors with all the advantages that home and modern technology provide, coupled with the indescribable experience of sleeping in fantastic spherical tents, which transforms adventure into a luxury holiday.


We are committed to respecting our environment, we have chosen manufacturers who share the same values as us. We will share with you our passions: horses, the forest, the mountain.


