The future unfolds new possibilities, where the Earth harmoniously blends into natural landscapes, and human creativity merges with the majesty of nature, utilizing the principles of sacred geometry. These settlements and towns embody not only ecological but also spiritual aspirations of humanity, creating a harmonious, sustainable, and innovative way of life.


The strength of the hemispherical structure ensures even distribution of loads across the entire surface, making it an ideal solution for creating mobile insulated domes for peacekeeping forces and camouflage camps. These modern domes can be utilized for both civilian and military purposes, with the capability to blend seamlessly into the surrounding environment, avoiding detection from both aerial and ground surveillance.


Our team actively participated in the development of EXPO 2017, starting from 2012, working on the concept. We were the first to present solutions to the EXPO committee, which later became the basis of the “EXPO 2017” project.


Paysera City office project, modern exceptional architectural office complex will be developed on the newly built western bypass of Vilnius.
