Sustainable and Energy Efficient Geodesic Complex Domes as an Investment opportunity

If you are seeking for green investment technology – we can offer investment opportunities for you!

We produce architectural designs of the highest quality and greatest integrity for the Industrial, Commercial, Housing, Health and Educational Markets. Design & construction of space-frames, domes, shell & free-form structures with all product compliant with sustainable building requirements.

Geodomas maintains high engineering standards and talented management to consistently ensure the design, construction & service requirements of each structure & application are affordably achieved.

15 years of experience proves that we are competitive in global market with hundreds of satisfied clients.

The specificities of resort projects may give rise to certain issues and may require possible adjustments during the implementation process to take account of actual on-site conditions which cannot be foreseen. Traditional Icelandic culture meets modern standards in a way you have never seen before.


Paysera City office project, modern exceptional architectural office complex will be developed on the newly built western bypass of Vilnius.


At „Geodomas“, we strive to stay at the forefront of current trends by spearheading a unique passenger drone project. Our visionary endeavor is designed to accommodate 4 to 8 individuals and boasts a fully aerodynamic structure with a panoramic 360-degree view.
